The Sacred Voyage method: transformation at the level of the soul

People who choose to go on a voyage with The Sacred Voyage are opting for a professional organisation with more than sixteen years of experience working with and without medicinal plants & emotional (inner child) processes. (Scroll down to continue reading about the method and watch our documentary on the right about the methods we use, mostly developed by Lars Faber, and to see how a retreat is experienced by participants. )

Therapy in its original meaning

Founded by Lars and Tanja Faber in 2005, in the meantime, we have grown into a large organisation with a team of 90+ guides and 7 ceremonial leaders. All of them experienced and beautiful people with a warm, open heart and wide-ranging capacities in the field of personal development and spirituality.

The type of 'therapy' we work with is best understood in reference to the original Greek meaning of “becoming whole”. Reaching your potential as a human being. This is precisely what medicine plants in the right setting can do for you; they assist you in restoring contact with your own divine being; with your essence - sometimes also referred to as the “divine spark”. Restoring your connection with your true nature means developing a more loving attitude towards life, towards yourself, and your loved ones.

The Ancient Greek word, “therapei” also has the hidden meaning of “being in service of the gods.” This is also how we as guides and ceremonial leaders feel; in service to something greater than ourselves. What you want to call this - God, Allah, Source, Buddha nature, or any other name - is irrelevant to us. We guide everybody as a human being, regardless of their background, knowing that deep down we all share the same basic needs of feeling loved, acknowledged and supported.



"Aside from my very personal experiences of emotional clearing and self exploration, the weekend brought me love. I have never felt as loved as I did over the weekend – such a pure quality of love I never knew existed. And not just during the experience with Aya but throughout the weekend from the facilitators and fellow travelers too."

"Many points I was fearful and very anxious, but having the guides present allowed me to push through knowing that I was cared for in a very safe environment. To get to the moment of bliss that follows the death of the ego, we needed to experience the minor melancholy notes of the music being played."

"I really don’t have the words to wholly express everything this weekend brought me. The healing commenced as soon we sat down at our first sharing circle and continued throughout the weekend with the ever present and ever thoughtful help of all the guides."

"The most wonderful experience of my life, every moment since, it has just got better and better. Life is opening before me like a flower and I have been given everything I’ve ever wanted and we are all still on the Voyage, from here on in it never ends!"

"It was very intense, but a profoundly positive experience, even when the emphasis was on pain and anguish. The backdrop always was that I was being shown things I needed to see, so that meant whatever I experienced was going to be positive in the final analysis."

The travelling within a group was ideal. It is not an experience which can be done alone I believe, and having a tribe to do it alongside (as well as loving and caring guides) made it a much easier and more profound experience. The heart dancing and the sharing brought me closer to these complete strangers then I am with people I have known for years.

Down-to-earth spirituality

In the first place, the nature of our work is spiritual, but in a down-to-earth manner. It is a gnostic method, in which you are acquainted with the living truth within your being. This means you don’t have to believe it. In fact, we implore you to remain sceptical, until you experience evidence to the contrary.
We have only succeeded in our work when you as the participant of one of our ceremonies have a direct, unforgettable experience of connection with your divine nature and experience a warm, loving connection with yourself.

Our method

In our lives, we have created all kinds of protective layers to keep our true nature safe. These defensive mechanisms are usually developed in the early years of our childhood and are so ingrained in us that we no longer see their protective function. We think this is simply who we are.

But these layers need to be uncovered and put aside to discover your true nature. If you are courageous enough to go through this, you will discover the truth and freedom of your real nature, allowing you to restore contact with your essence. In short, this is the process of The Sacred Voyage; the pilgrimage to the soul.

When you go beyond these protective layers, emotional coldness and pain may be released. This requires expert and loving guidance. We know how to support people in their most vulnerable core. On top of that, we also understand when its best to leave you alone. We know what you’re going through, because we’ve been through it ourselves. We are proud and grateful of being able to assist you with both our words and our actions in this incredibly powerful and vulnerable process. Coming from a place of love, trust and companionship.

During our retreats and ceremonies, working with medicinal plants is important, but we employ multiple deep work forms and methods - such as Voice Dialogue, Focusing, Heartdancing, de-armouring, Soul Retrieval, Core Wound, breath-, voice- and body work - to prepare for the ceremonies and support you in your process. All these methods can assist you in going beyond your protective layers, to open and reconnect with your essence.

Safety above all else

Safety - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually - is of vital importance when you choose to work with medicinal plants. This is why we give it a lot of attention. Over the past sixteen years, we have guided more than fithteen thousand people, and can rightfully claim to have developed one of the safest settings in the world.


This is our life path.
This is our work.
This is The Sacred Voyage.